Who We Are
We’re a team of psychologists that are active in various fields of the climate justice movement and met through the Initiative Psychologie im Umweltschutz (IPU) e.V. From Greenpeace activism to the anti-lignite-mining movement: We want to contribute psychological knowledge to areas that we engage in. And further: Together with you and in your area.
Our Vision
In our vision, we see ourselves at Wandelwerk as an established actor for co-designing a sustainable society; a society that strives for social, ecological, global and intergenerational justice. In this context we want to make citizens and sustainability actors aware of psychology’s crucial role in a social-ecological transformation.
We disseminate our environmental psychological expertise in promoting environmentally friendly behavior in a practical way that is tailored to specific target groups. We are aware of important but often underestimated factors such as emotions, habits and social norms that influence people’s everyday actions. We want to increase the individual and collective self-efficacy of those involved in environmental protection, strengthen a sufficiency-oriented lifestyle and participate in the socio-ecological transformation in civil society and politics. Due to the diverse backgrounds and expertise of our group members, we have access to a broad repertoire of methods. We are constantly developing our contents and formats further. In the future, we want to expand our repertoire of workshops and seminars to include more advisory and accompanying support for sustainability projects.

You can find us here!
In these locations our team members are located. Of course we can also visit you in other places!

As an independent left-political education consultant, the Wandelwerk gives me a framework to combine meaningful work with political commitment alongside long-standing friends. My focus is on the psychology of climate justice, climate communication and sustainable activism.
"Eva Junge
M.A. human ecology, B.Sc. psychology, educational speaker, climate justice activist, circus trainer, storyteller of a social-ecological transition

Worldwide, we as humanity are facing great ecological and social challenges. In the context of Wandelwerk, I am very grateful to be able to share knowledge about the complexity of human thinking, feeling and acting in environmental protection. And thereby I hope to spread an ever-growing impulse for a social-ecological transition. Positivity, creativity, dialogue at eye level and a focus on needs are important aspects of my work.
"Anna-Sophie von Agris
M.Sc. Psychology with accompanying courses in political science and visual arts. Devoted to teaching and learning about climate, feminism, and social justice. Passionate about (environmental) activism.

For me, working with people who are committed to protecting the environment is always enriching! In the Wandelwerk workshops, I directly apply and pass on the knowledge from my doctorate on psychological empowerment.
"Karen Hamann, Ph.D.
Researcher at the University of Leipzig, doctoral thesis on "Psychological Empowerment in Environmental Protection" (University of Koblenz-Landau), former doctoral fellow at the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, author of the handbook "Psychology in Environmental Protection"

Paula Blumenschein
M. Sc. Intercultural Psychology, Researcher in Environmental Psychology at Technical University Dortmund, Climate Activist

We need a diversity of alternative approaches. Only if many people practice many innovative ideas, live them and pass them on, this world will be a joy for our grandchildren. Wandelwerk supports this ambition.
"Ilmari Binder
M.Sc.Psychology, Lecturer for Environmental Psychology & Climate Issues at the University of Konstanz, management consultant for transformative employee participation, board member of CO2ero e.V. - Ways to climate protection

As a member of Wandelwerk, it is incredibly rewarding to meet so many dedicated and determined people. I am happy when I can give back a little spark of their inspiration through my workshops.
"Sophia Dasch
M.Sc. Psychology, studied at Humboldt University, University of Sussex and Brown University, former student assistant of the Ecological Research Network (Ecornet), former board member of IPU e.V., active for a social-ecological transformation

For me, Wandelwerk is a community for learning and exploring ways to create a sustainable and solidary world. I am happy that I can share my psychological knowledge in the workshops and that by exchanging diverse perspectives new ideas and paths for a livable future emerge.
"Klara Wenzel
M.Sc. Psychology, research associate and doctoral candidate in the field of socio-ecological research at the Center for Technology and Society at TU-Berlin

What keeps me going is the experience that we can inspire and empower people to make the changes for a just society happen!
"Alex Wernke
M.Sc. Environmental Psychology at OVGU Magdeburg, Climate Justice Activist, Educational Freelancer on Sustainable Development, Storyteller

We can only tackle the problems around the climate crisis together. As part of Wandelwerk, I enjoy working with inspiring people from different contexts and feeling effective together.
"Mia Lehn
M.Sc. Psychology University of Hamburg, educational consultant, working in politics, climate activist with a focus on creative-artistic forms of action.

My heart beats for the connection between external-systemic and internal/psychological-cultural change. The work at Wandelwerk is a part of this for me. Working together with people to pass on knowledge, understanding and opportunities for action to multipliers and interested stakeholders and ultimately to research ways in which people and society can transform their actions in a socio-ecological direction!
"Hannah Monnin
B.Sc. Environmental Sciences Lüneburg, working as an educational consultant & speaker, gardener & coach for personal development, voluntary commitment to socio-ecological transformation & regional development

For the preservation of the earth and global climate justice, we need structural political changes as well as courage, openness to new ideas, and the confidence to be capable of making a difference. Environmental psychology can help us understand and actively shape the obstacles and bridges to the necessary change. I am happy to bring psychological knowledge into practice in Wandelwerk workshops.
"Marie Heitfeld
M.Sc. Cognitive Psychology with focus on Environmental Psychology (University of Freiburg & Groningen), Consultant for Education for Sustainable Development at the NGO Germanwatch e.V.

I experience my involvement in the Wandelwerk as meaningful, because I can combine many of my passions, skills and competencies and have the chance to share environmental psychological knowledge.
"Laura Trölenberg
M.Sc. Psychology, Project Advisor at netzwerk n e.V. in the project 'Klasse Klima - Her mit der coolen Zukunft!', climate justice activist

As a creation and part of nature, I see it as my responsibility to stand up for it and thus contribute to a world worth living in. Together with Wandelwerk, I would like to empower others to protect the most precious treasure we have.
"Nathalie Niekisch
B.Sc. Psychology, environmental activist, coach for sustainability initiatives, life artist.

Fortunately, a modest, mindful and meaningful way of life is so beneficial to us that more and more people are acting in an environmentally responsible way. This is one of the insights I would like to share with others through the workshops I give at Wandelwerk.
"Luise Willborn
B.A. Psychology and Sports and Movement Pedagogy, Multiplier at netzwerk n e.V., Adventure and Experience Pedagogue

I am very grateful to be involved in Wandelwerk: Through this work, I can combine my passion for mindfulness and yoga with knowledge from psychology and contribute to a more sustainable society.
"Alexandra Hanisch
B.Sc. Psychology, trained mediator, yoga teacher and circus trainer

With my work at Wandelwerk I want to enable people to understand individual and collective behavior through insights from the field of (environmental) psychology and empower them to use this knowledge for a transition towards a sustainable and socially just world.
"Klara Kauhausen
M.Sc. Psychology with a focus on environmental psychology, working as an educational consultant and lecturer, particularly interested and active in the field of climate justice and social movements.

I am happy to share my knowledge through Wandelwerk and thus contribute to a world fit for grandchildren. I think psychology can uncover many potentials and enable new perspectives that are helpful in the process.
"Hannah Enslin
M.Sc. Psychology, B.Sc. Psychology in Konstanz and Oslo, Norway; former Board member of IPU e.V.; coach for student sustainability initiatives of netzwerk n

I wish to live in a world where people experience themselves as part of nature. And in every decision and action they should consider its impact on, but above all its potential for, our socio-ecological system. With Wandelwerk I associate a community where people share this vision and not only live it but also carry it into the world!
"Elena Wendler
B. Sc. In Psychology and Industrial Engineering, Coach for Conflict Mediation and Communication Psychology, Climate Justice Activist

Good research can only contribute to change if it is also translated into practice. That's why I'm involved in the Wandelwerk.
"Marlis Wullenkord
M.Sc. Psychology, PhD student in the Department of Environmental Psychology at the University of Koblenz-Landau, research on climate change denial, climate anxiety and basic psychological needs, scholarship holder at the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, climate justice activist.

The HOW is usually just as important as the WHAT. Keeping in mind and addressing different people´s moving causes and personal backgrounds is a core challenge I feel. I enjoy putting psychological findings into practice. At the moment, I am particularly interested in local politics, urban/regional development and educational projects.
"Sarah Schüürmann
B.Sc. Psychology, additional studies in Politics, Regional Studies, Environmental Sciences and Education, Master studies in „Spatial Development and Natural Resource Managament“ (TU Dresden), Regional coordinator in Saxony for „Klasse Klima – Her mit der coolen Zukunft!“ (educational project on climate change and mitigation)

Many people want change. The question is what should change and how? For me, it is important to share knowledge about environmental psychology and to curiously advance utopias and bringing them to life.
"Moritz Hofmann
Cand. M.Sc. Psychology in Kassel, board member of IPU e.V., founder of the initiative Mainz im Wandel, active for urban social-ecological transformation and art & culture free of exchange logic.

Our team members got to know each other at meetings of the IPU e.V. (Initiative Psychology in Environmental Protection). The IPU is a lively student organization that connects people with an interest in psychology and conserving the environmental at congresses and beyond. If you’re interested in the IPU, please visit their website!